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I found this from a FB page Mommy Needs Vodka and I though it was a very fitting cup for me. I AM NOT The Worlds Best Mum, nor would I ever try to be. Not because I am too selfish or too tired or too 'anything' but because the way I see it, all those women out there trying to be The Worlds Best Mum are making life harder on themselves. How can you be The Worlds Best Mum if your too busy stressing about everything? You can not. Not really! |
To my way of thinking there are many things you should NOT be if you're hoping for the title Worlds Best Mum. You should NOT be a raging alcoholic, a drug addict, a mass murder etc etc ( you're getting my point I am sure). But you also should NOT be spending every second trying to make things perfect. Worrying and second guessing yourself takes away from enjoying your children.
Yes, of course there are times when 'enjoying' your children could be something as simple as being glad they had the good sense not to throw that third roll of toilet paper into the toilet. Or that they managed to ( by divine intervention?) leave your favourite lipstick colour alone when they took it upon themselves to draw all over themselves, their younger siblings and everything else they came in contact with whilst using all your other lipstick shades..
It could also be those truly beautiful times when the whole family is together not doing anything particularly special but they fill you with such happiness and pride and love. When you stand back and watch them and say to yourself 'How lucky am I?' Of course those moments are not always regular and are most certainly spaced with 'typical' days and the very odd ( and rarely spoken about ) days where if you could you would run screaming from the place and never come back. If you have never felt that way, don't worry, you'll get there. It doesn't last long but it will happen. Don't bother with the 'Oh I'll never feel like that.' either because that tells me you're not 'doing it right'.
There are going to be plenty of times when everything is a nightmare, there will be a time when one of your children does or says something that makes you seriously question your parenting decisions. If it happens a lot however then you might want to look in to it. ;) There will be times when you sit in a ball, even if it is just mentally and say to yourself How the hell did I/we get into this mess ( sometimes it will even be a literal mess) and you have to suck that I cant take this no more feeling up and get on with it. Because like it or not, you are the mum and that is your job.
It isn't all bad though. In fact it is mostly a mundane kinda wonderful that you wouldn't change for all the medals in the world. Besides as far as your kids are concerned you ARE the worlds best mum.