Friday 10 May 2013

# 8 Blog everyday in May - What advice would you give someone

'Ooooooh goodie! A housewife with 7 kids dishing out 'advice'. This will be worth the read.' Is what I imagine you'll be thinking about now. Fear not! I have a tendency of giving good advice, just not always being able to follow  good advice myself. Especially if the advice offered is in response to something that really has me fired up. I tend to get all 'passionate' (according to my mother) or 'flip out' (according to My Beloved) about things and react first. Well, that  used to be the case but as I get older I have learned it just is not worth getting so outraged at stuff because, quite frankly counting to ten and taking a deep breath or two is a good idea and I think I am getting too old for that shit. So that would be my first piece of advice  Do not sweat the small stuff! Oh and don't forget to breathe deeply before you do say anything...

  • Never assume lightening hitting a tree and blowing the fusey thingies in your electrical items, will be an obvious reason to your husband as to why your television does not work.

  • If you have kids ALWAYS keep 'spare' things (clothes, shoes, bags, boosterseats, chocolate,) in your car, you will need them just hopefully not all at once!

  • When you have made absolutely no effort what so ever before leaving the house because you are just 'dropping' or 'picking' somebody up, do not assume every bodies stares mean you must look alright for a change. You DO NOT. Check the crotch of your pants, also consider checking your head for decorative googly eyed head bands and for god sake make sure you washed off the face painting/make up you and the kids thought would be fun to do that day. SERIOUSLY!

  • Always remember if you and your husband decide to do something, anything  and the kids are asleep the more risque that something or anything is, is equal to the odds you have of one or more of your children waking up. e.g 1 Eating ice cream.... you'll probably get away scott free. e.g 2 'couple time' the more one or both of you are enjoying yourself the higher the chance of a child suddenly ( and silently like a ninja)  standing behind you in what ever room of the house you are in.

  • The above advice probably makes you think that seeing as I am meant to be dishing out good advice I'd suggest you get a child free night (bahahahahahaha) that would be bad advice... unless of course you want to fall asleep shortly after sitting down on the lounge and not waking till morning.

  • THE best bit of advice I can think of however really is take peoples advice with a grain of salt and do what works for you.

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