Saturday 13 October 2012

Switching Off The Mains

A very weird thing happened today. The Man Child's room was cleaned, by him, in about ten minutes. It has been very difficult of late, and when I say that I actually mean since he was about five, to get him to clean his room properly and to get him to clean it with out sounding as though I have asked him to cut off a limb has probably only ever happened once, maybe twice.

Because I set my self a task of painting and de cluttering the kitchen and giving all cupboards a thorough wash. I was in no mood to have to repeat my request and at some point storm into his room threatening some kind of evil if he did not get his butt into gear.  So I gave him three chances, well technically two. I called out from the kitchen the first time.



'Clean your room mate.'

'Yeah in a sec.'

'No, now please.'


A few minutes later I could still hear a faint drone of the Xbox racing game he was playing. I grabbed a tea towel and dried my hands as I walked to his room. 

'Listen,' I said to him as I stood between him and the TV ' It will take you all of five minutes. Pick up this crap.' I asked as I pointed to a pile of clothes on the floor with my foot. 'Hang up that.' I added pointing to a pile of shirts and shorts. 'Then empty your bin. It isn't rocket science. Don't make me have to ask you again, right!'

'Yeah, OK I just have too...'

'No, you don't have to do anything. Clean your room.' I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me and went back to the washing up. I listened for signs of movement in the Man Child's room and I couldn't hear any. After a minute I opened the door slightly and caught sight of his arms and the control of the Xbox. Right I thought. I'll fix you! Without saying a word I turned around and walked out the door towards the power box. I opened the door and flicked the mains switch to off. I shut the door and walked back inside and continued to wash up.

'What?' I heard him mutter to himself after obviously realising the power point and leads were not the problem. 'Hey MUUUUUM.' he called to me.

'I switched the power off, it will be on when the things I want done have been done.'

'What?? Are you serious?' he whined

'As cancer.' I said

It was ten minutes later I walked into his room to check on his progress. He was not in it, but it was clean. The clothes were even hung up properly instead of quickly flopped over a hanger.

Good to know! Good to know! I thought as I walked out and shut the door behind me, I'll be doing that more often.


  1. What a Billiamt idea!!! Lol may even work on hubby every now and then! ;)

    1. The Xboxes hold on my son was immediately severed and as long as you don't abuse it, I think it will work with your hubby for sure! ;)


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