This post is from My Beloveds point of view, from his experience I have written it but tried to write it as close to what he said as possible. It is just HIS opinion and he does not speak for all men and he and I talk quite bluntly and truthfully to each other when it comes to women/men point of view, if you need to hear things in an incredibly tactful way, then you do not ask My Beloved his opinion as you will get it , nicely but bluntly. I have softened the conversation somewhat and he didn't elaborate to much more than what is written here.
When I read my last post about my experience with Postnatal Depression to My Beloved he joked about how no one knew how he had suffered for nearly two years with a 'nutter' of a wife. 'What ever!' I had laughed at him.
'No', he said to me 'I am serious. It can ruin marriages and when the men leave they are always the 'bastards' but it is bloody hard to live with someone who has Postnatal Depression. I mean if they have been together for a short time and then they have a kid together and the girlfriend/wife suffers from Postnatal Depression a lot of guys would just think this is just not worth it. I mean, you were acting like a crazy lady!'
'Yes OK, we have established that.' I always say to people when talking about the way I felt during my experience and looking back on it that I was a crazy person. The wording I use isn't exactly comforting in nature and I'd like to say that crazy is most definitely NOT the way I see or view people suffering from postal depression, I see someone that just needs a bit of help because I remember what it feels like, but when I think about the things I felt ( like the paranoia and even the only time I thought something very disturbing which was when I was driving home from a birthday party along the highway and I just thought I wonder what would happen if I just let go of the steering wheel? I was not going to and I had no plans to but I was concerned that I had even thought it!) When I think about all that now I am amazed at how different I was thinking and feeling and how much I just was not me!
'From my point of view, and maybe not all men but definitely some men would feel the same,' My Beloved said ' Imagine you have come home from work whether it is every night or every few days or weeks and you have been working hard. You have to work hard because you are providing for your family, so you have all that stress as well and you come home to either a miserable crying woman and everything is a mess or maybe everything is clean but your wife is madly vacuuming the floors not really even acknowledging you. And just acting plain crazy. It sucks. You'd like to say for god sake go to the doctor and take some pills because you really need them! But you cant because you don't know how they will react, you cant say anything to them because they will either burst into tears or start screaming at you.
It is hard because you can not fix the problem and you don't know what to do. If I helped you or tried to you either didn't notice or just yelled at me for how I did it or what I did. If I wanted to get you out of the house, you fought me on it. I kinda just gave up and just handled it. But some guys don't want to do that,it is really hard and they leave and I do not blame them at all. You should talk about that too. The woman is most definitely not alone in the suffering. I know that she can not help it but it should be said that the partner and the kids even suffer it too.'
'I'd feel bad for working but I'd have to work and I probably was even glad to get away at times too I'd be worried all the time and kind of dreading coming home. I don't know about all women but you wont let people help you and I couldn't do anything until you asked for the help and then I knew what to do because you told me what you needed me to do. Men are not like women we don't sit around 'putting' ourselves in women shoes saying 'oh I wonder how I would feel if I were in her shoes? Maybe I should do this or this to help. Well I don't Anyway, I just thought you should talk about how it can effect the marriage and the family too, maybe people don't think about it like that but it is very hard to deal with for everyone.'
When I asked My Beloved what he thought someone suffering from Postnatal Depression should do he said.
'Go to a doctor, take the medication they give you or talk to someone, because it is not just you suffering and if your partner knows what to do to help you, he will.'
- Blog Every Day In May (12)
- Building our Place (23)
- His Ramblings (1)
- Home (167)
- Introducing Us (25)
- Large families (11)
Friday, 23 November 2012
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Postnatal Depression My Experience
Yesterday I watched a Vlog by Naomi over at Seven Cherubs about her experience with Postnatal Depression.
It made me think. It is something that effects up to 1 in 10 of women during pregnancy and rises to 1 in seven in the months following the birth. It is something that many women do not talk about as they feel a sense of failure as a mother. Postnatal Depression Awareness Week is about encouraging women to talk about their experiences of something that usually is suffered in silence and to end the stigma that is attached.
So I thought that I too would share my experience with postnatal and antenatal depression. I have been as honest and open as possible because you can not tell someone that it is OK if you can not be open and honest about your experience. I will start by saying not everyone wants to harm their child when they suffer from postnatal depression some feel the opposite way ( as was the case for me) I felt as though I had to protect my children from people trying to kidnap them or just 'take them away' from me. I know one woman who was waiting for her child's 'real' parents to collect him for many months, it effects people differently. There is NO shame in it and just telling someone can ease the suffering incredibly.
During my pregnancy with Little Miss (11 in January) I suffered from antenatal depression, I was not aware of it, even when I found myself sitting on my front veranda, head in my hands with tears streaming down my face. I remember thinking it was strange and I had no idea how long I had been crying or why. The pregnancy was my third and unlike my first two I was sick every time I ate for four months, I would gag every time I smelt meat cooking, yet would only be able to eat steak and mashed potato for every meal. I came down with what I now think was whopping cough and I coughed uncontrollably for the rest of the pregnancy and until Little Miss was 6 months old, day and night.
Like the pregnancy itself the labour was traumatic and I will just say anyone contemplating a drug free birth is either very stupid or brave. I will also say to husbands of labouring women DO NOT put your hands anywhere near the bed frame, if your partner can not have pain relief shaking the frame of the bed helps, if your hand is in the way... well, it will hurt, a lot... you might even get a tear or two in your eye! After stopping three times on the way into the world Little Miss said hello by biting my nipple and I had a cracked nipple ( eventually both) for the next 8 months. After the birth and the nipple biting episode I just laid there with this new baby feeling nothing other than tired and when I think back a little numb.
It was not until Little Miss was three months old that I realised I had Postnatal Depression. My beloved worked away for sometimes three weeks at a time. I think even if he had of been home every night I still would have suffered as severely as I did but maybe not for as long, as he would have noticed my not sleeping for sometimes as many as three days and nights in a row. I was so paranoid about my children being kidnapped that if I went to a room baby went with me even when she was sleeping she was either in the pram or in a sling. I didn't want anyone to visit and if someone did I would mutter 'Oh for god sake what are they doing here.' I'd even consider hiding!
I had head aches every morning, the skull stabbing kind and they would kick in at 9ish and not leave until well after five. I had to force myself to send The Man Child and Biggest Miss to school because I realised that no one actually was planning on kidnapping them, it was just in my head, but I couldn't really take that chance and I could never really believe that they were safe. Every single day was an excruciating, lonely and yet at the same time numb experience. I started to obsess over certain things being done, for me it was the dishes and the clothes washing. I felt that IF I could just keep those two jobs always done then 'everything would be OK'. Of course there were days when nothing was done and I'd just lie on the couch with Little Miss and just not move.
I trusted no one and I mean NO ONE. Not My Beloved, not my friends, not even my mother and certainly no one outside of the family, every one was trying to take my children off me as far as I was concerned. When I did leave the house, which was very rare I put on a cheerful smile and pretended to be 'normal', unless you have had to do that, you truly have no idea how exhausting that is. When I did speak to people I was on 'autopilot' When My Beloved came home I would promise myself that THIS time I would just say to him.
'Adam, I have Postnatal Depression. I need to see a doctor.' But even though I would go into the bathroom and look at my reflection in the mirror and would give myself a 'pep talk'
'Emma, you have postnatal depression, it is in your head, no one wants to take your kids. Tell Adam to take you to a doctor!' I never could, because I didn't trust him either!
So for 18 months after Little Miss was born I battled on telling myself in those moments of panic that it was not real and I HAD to go to a doctor. Biggest Miss became seriously ill and I was convinced she was going to die but luckily the doctors gave her the 'silver bullet' and she was much better I will not go on with that as it was the most traumatic experience as a mother. So awfully scary.
Instead when he was home I could sleep and it was because I obviously felt that My Beloved would be able to deal with any attempted kidnappings. ( Yes It sounds so ridiculous doesn't it, but it was very, very real for me at the time) I remember very little of those 18 months, aside from a few scary paranoid moments and a panic attack I had in the shopping centre which I remember clearly as the idea that I did not have enough money for my trolley of groceries became so entrenched in my mind that I stopped in the middle of the isle staring at the trolley then the register and with my heart beating out of my chest, I swear it felt as though anyone looking at me could see my chest bulge with each beat. I fought off this almost uncontrollable urge to grab Little Miss out of the trolley and literally run screaming out of the shopping centre.
I managed to get the groceries without any payment issues, though the whole time I fought off tears and was convinced my card would decline. I remember only saying over and over to myself 'Keep it together Emma, You have money in your card. This is just in your head. It is not real. You are just having a panic attack.' I had to stop myself running with my trolley to the car and if I had of been able to actually feel something other then fear and panic I would have cried uncontrollably and just collapsed in a heap.
There was the time I found myself hanging out my washing in the rain at ONE THIRTY in the morning because if I just hung that out everything would be OK. I would have to force myself to sleep and it was only from pure exhaustion that I ever did. There are so many other moments like that I will not elaborate or you could be here for a very long time.
The moment I realised that I must get help and tell My beloved was when I had my younger sister staying not long after Biggest Miss was out of hospital and Little Miss was about 18 months. I was starting to go longer between these 'moments' of panic and was a little less paranoid about the children being kidnapped, besides Little Miss had discovered that holding her breath as a tantrum was very effective and I had suddenly found a new paranoid fear, choking ( choking children is the one thing that gets me very unsettled, very easily).
I was watching TV with my sister and Little Miss started to stir ( she was on my bed ) I got up straight away as I didn't want her to fall off. I brought her out into the lounge room and breast fed her I remembered seeing tea spoon on the bench, it bugged me so much that when Little Miss had finished her food I put her comfortably on the big floor cushion and got up to put the spoon away ( remember everything would be OK if the dishes and washing was done.) As I did that I suddenly remembered Little Miss had been stirring in the bedroom and went in to get her, of course she was not there as I had just fed her, but I did not remember that AT ALL and I was immediately convinced that the reason she was not on my bed was because she had fallen off and had died. YES you read that right. There was no emotion about it, it was to my mind a fact, it had happened. When I walked around to find her on the floor and she was not there, or the other side of the bed ,I went in a split second, from being convinced she was dead to convinced she was kidnapped and I began shouting to my sister 'where is she, where is she?' As soon as my sister told me Little Miss was where I had put her on the floor cushion in the lounge room I remembered it and I sat down and cried and knew I had to get help.
As this is incredibly long I shall post a part two later this evening it will be from My beloved's point of view he feels that it is important for people to realise that men suffer in away from postnatal as well, through their partners experience with it. If you are reading this and recognise yourself, a friend or partner do not delay ask for help you do not need to suffer on your own in fact I PROMISE YOU it will be so much better when you let someone know! There is no shame in it I do not feel bad for having experienced this I feel stronger because I managed to survive something I would not wish on anyone, ever! You are not alone! Talk to anyone but definitely see your doctor. Go to BeyondBlue for more information.
Feel free to share your experience in the comments or with your friends lets get rid of the stigma and feelings of failure and weakness for those that suffer from it and those that do not.
'Suck it up princess' really only applies to kicking your little toe or bumping your funny bone it does not apply to PND
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
We Bought A Book
Mr Cheeky, Littlest Miss and I came home to find a parcel in the mailbox.
'I'll get it. I'll get it mummy!' Mr Cheeky shrieked as he unbuckled his belt and climbed over to the driver seat.
'Ok.' I said and opened the door, it is the same thing every time. I pull up at the mailbox and say 'Oh look, there is some mail. I wonder what it is?' Though it is usually bills these days, or junk mail, it makes no difference to Mr Cheeky collecting the mail is like the holy grail to him... he'd even collect all our neighbours mail from their mailboxes if I would just stop the car and let him.
'A PARCEL!' he said
'A Parcel?' I said trying to remember if I had bought anything from eBay that had yet to arrive or if I had suddenly forgotten somebodies birthday. Then I remembered I'd bought a book.
'Come on,' I said, 'Lets go read the new book.' Mr Cheeky is not usually a fan of sitting still and I was hoping that by some magical happening he'd see the book, become transfixed and sit still for at least half an hour.
We sat down and we read the first of the of the four stories all about a little boy called Jakey whose mummy goes to have a baby, he meets her and they bring her home. The thing that Mr Cheeky liked most ( apart from Jakey being his 'friend' and Vicky being his sisters 'friend') was that Jakey had to share a room with his baby sister. 'Me too Mum, I share with Ava too!' he said. I liked reading it also, I could relate to the story to, in fact anyone who has had a baby and introduced them to an older child could. We read one more story called Nanna's Visit and it was time to organise homework, baths and dinner.
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Proof of homework and reading being done, on this occasion without complaint!! |
Homework was the feature for the next hour and those that had finished got to have a read of what was fast becoming 'MY BOOK' if Mr Cheeky was to be believed. The Man Child and Miss Independent were the last to finish ( The Man Child left his Xbox to help his sister make a 'poem' about sand, crab, waves and fish... he did not want to mind you). Mean while Biggest Miss read the book to Mr Cheeky and Littlest Miss and I made dinner.
On the whole the book was well liked everyone commented on what they remembered about the time I had come home with their younger brother or sister. The stories, Moving and Vicky's Birthday, meant I was asked when they were having their next birthday party, I told them it would probably be around the time it was actually their birthday.
So the book is definitely a hit here. The stories and pictures are perfect for Mr Cheeky and even Little Miss who thinks she is a teenager. It is a hard cover ( which means it will survive Littlest Miss occasionally getting hold of it). I am actually glad the link to buy the book was posted on our Facebook Page and if you want to know more about the book and the special offer of a NAME YOUR PRICE deal then go to Jakey and Vicky books I chose the hardcover and I am happy as my purchase means the Smith Family Foundations Toy and Book Appeal will have a book donated to them for disadvantaged kids. It is a win win really! :)
The two book marks that arrived with it were also a hit! Miss Thinker and Little Miss scored those!
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Thrifty Thursday #2
Today being Thursday I figured I might do a Thrifty Thursday post. Now that I have a camera that takes pictures worth uploading I have been using up my MBs uploading photo after photo. This time I am sharing this cute dolls house I found at the recycles It has a chip in the bottom right hand side of its pitched, forest green roof and the odd sign of ‘wear & tear’ (read some kid had lots of fun) but apart from that nothing needs doing, it even has the lino flooring still inside.
I grabbed a few things while I was there I was looking for odd tiles so that I could start framing our doorways and windows but I found very little in that department and when I saw this I thought how perfect it would be for Littlest Miss when she gets a little older. All together I spent $5, I was very happy. I ended up giving it to Miss Independent instead as her flimsy doll house she got for Christmas last year was getting flimsier by the day!
As I only had Littlest Miss on hand to photograph it this afternoon ( My Beloved took Mr Cheeky and the 3 little girls to the pool as a surprise after school today) I grabbed a few bits and dressed Littlest Miss all ‘Pretty in pink’ and had a ‘photo shoot’ under the fig tree in our front yard. I hope I managed to give you a good look at the dolls house (there were quite a few of just Littlest Miss) and to end I’ll put add one of my littlest Australian too!
Mr Cheeky's Morning Out
When Mr Cheeky is not trashing his room he is playing (as all 3 year olds should ) or asking to go to Pipi's house. Pipi is his name for my sister Rebecca. I think it was the name he gave her after she bought chips to our house one day when she visited and I suspect he was just trying to say 'chippie' but nevertheless the name stuck.
Mr Cheeky played with two of his 13 cousins for the morning. The boys are all around the same age and usually get on very well. Today they played around the big gum in my sisters yard and around the
'fish pond'. I took some pictures and, because it is my blog, and I want to I thought I'd post some.
Til next time
Mr Cheeky played with two of his 13 cousins for the morning. The boys are all around the same age and usually get on very well. Today they played around the big gum in my sisters yard and around the
'fish pond'. I took some pictures and, because it is my blog, and I want to I thought I'd post some.
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The boys can play for ages in this lilly filled pond. Today they had a great game going. |
Til next time
At What Age Should A Child Be Responsible For Their Room?
Because I have always been a glutton for punishment I have always expected certain things from the kids and been pretty cruisey on others. I only have two hard and fast rules, they are Bed Time is 8.30, unless your very little or over the age of 14 then it is 10.30- you do not come out of your room for fear of death after those times unless you have slept a good 7 hours (more preferably).That and do what I ask you to do when I ask you to do it. Cleaning bedrooms has always been in the latter rule book. I may not ask for three days because the room does not need it or I may ask several times in one day.
Lately however it seems that between Mr Cheeky and the girls' room there has been no habit of picking up after themselves, not a very good one at any rate. So I wondered to myself when I cleaned Mr Cheeky's room today Is it unreasonable to expect a three year old to keep their room clean? I have always tended to think awwwww they are still so cute and 'wittle', but I am the only one and making a rod for my own back (of this, I am aware).
The few I have asked this question to all seem to believe TWO years old is an appropriate age to be responsible for their own room. It isn't considered child labour! Who would have thunk it! I have also never been one for the bigger kids dealing with the babies in the house, though getting a drink or sandwich for toddlers has been acceptable whilst I have dealt with the babies demands,even then I felt like an evil witch, though lately I have appreciated and even asked Biggest Miss and The Man Child to play with Littlest Miss each afternoon whilst I cook dinner or finish off what ever job it is I MUST get done. So expecting my three year old to pick his crap up isn't so bad after all. By my standards, I am aware that by others it never would have been or even is a bit mean and each to their own.
When I talk to people starting out having kids I always say do your self a favour and get them to pick up after themselves it is not 'mean' to expect them to Though I have realised I have not taken my good advice... A lot of the mess in Mr Cheeky's room is clothes the toys have been culled and most 'live elsewhere'. So I am going to bite the bullet and EXPECT him to clean his room for now on.
What do you think? What age is the right age for your child? Please leave a comment (there is no captcha) and let me know how you work it. :)
Lately however it seems that between Mr Cheeky and the girls' room there has been no habit of picking up after themselves, not a very good one at any rate. So I wondered to myself when I cleaned Mr Cheeky's room today Is it unreasonable to expect a three year old to keep their room clean? I have always tended to think awwwww they are still so cute and 'wittle', but I am the only one and making a rod for my own back (of this, I am aware).
The few I have asked this question to all seem to believe TWO years old is an appropriate age to be responsible for their own room. It isn't considered child labour! Who would have thunk it! I have also never been one for the bigger kids dealing with the babies in the house, though getting a drink or sandwich for toddlers has been acceptable whilst I have dealt with the babies demands,even then I felt like an evil witch, though lately I have appreciated and even asked Biggest Miss and The Man Child to play with Littlest Miss each afternoon whilst I cook dinner or finish off what ever job it is I MUST get done. So expecting my three year old to pick his crap up isn't so bad after all. By my standards, I am aware that by others it never would have been or even is a bit mean and each to their own.
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Mr Cheeky's room inevitably looks like the first picture at the end of the day and it starts out like the second picture. |
What do you think? What age is the right age for your child? Please leave a comment (there is no captcha) and let me know how you work it. :)
Monday, 12 November 2012
The Boudoir
I have said to a few people lately that if you see a picture of our bedrooms then you can be sure that there was some tweaking ( a hell of a lot of tweaking when it comes to the bedrooms) I like to keep it real, but in a censored way. This post, for example will show you pictures of the spaces we call ‘our’ room. It does not look as nice for long, it slowly but surely descends into a chaotic mess with in a week or weekend ( which ever comes first).
What bought this on? You may be thinking. Well you know I am gonna tell you. I was going to buy a kingsize bed. But alas, I am no longer. It is very frigging depressing let me tell you! So after sulking for a little while I decided to make our room ( the sleeping quarters) into something I like. My Beloved may not like the male mannequin hanging from the brick wall he laid, using commons that I refused to let him render. Or, in fact the wig ( I have yet to put it away) I have hanging from the ‘bedhead’ made from an awesome room divider I found at a garage sale three years ago.
So awesome the room divider/bedhead was to me, that in my rush to come home and collect it (we didn’t have a van then) with the trailer I completely ignored the fact that My Beloved was sleeping in that morning ( I promised) and drove up our driveway and behind the house towards our bedroom beeping the horn the whole way. Strangely he did not share my excitement and it took forever ( a whole cup of coffee kinda forever to get him to hook the trailer up) EVEN though I suggested he just ‘throw’ it on and I’d do the rest.
He may not even like the way I have not put one masculine item in the room. But what he WILL love about it is that there is a clutter free space to pass out into unconsciousness after his night shifts each weekend.Well, this week end for sure I can't make any promises that the room will stay like that til next weekend.
You see, where the ‘sleeping quarters’ are is what used to be our back veranda. We Ahem, My Beloved knocked the sliding door out and with the help of my brothers, father and a one time ‘boyfriend’ of my sister’s they bricked it up and wallah! We had a sleep out. Eventually we made the sleep out into two rooms. What is our bedroom was originally going to be our office, then it was to be Littlest Misses room.
It is as close to split level as we can get without going underground ( wouldn’t THAT be cool?) and that small little step down coupled with the fact we took the legs off the bed base to lower the bed makes the small space seem large and spacious, the ceiling to floor windows and the fact there are only three walls also help I will admit. But we will all just pretend that the lowering of the bed did it. OK?
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I think I'll be doing up more of these collages they make our bedroom look as though it has some style about it! |
What bought this on? You may be thinking. Well you know I am gonna tell you. I was going to buy a kingsize bed. But alas, I am no longer. It is very frigging depressing let me tell you! So after sulking for a little while I decided to make our room ( the sleeping quarters) into something I like. My Beloved may not like the male mannequin hanging from the brick wall he laid, using commons that I refused to let him render. Or, in fact the wig ( I have yet to put it away) I have hanging from the ‘bedhead’ made from an awesome room divider I found at a garage sale three years ago.
So awesome the room divider/bedhead was to me, that in my rush to come home and collect it (we didn’t have a van then) with the trailer I completely ignored the fact that My Beloved was sleeping in that morning ( I promised) and drove up our driveway and behind the house towards our bedroom beeping the horn the whole way. Strangely he did not share my excitement and it took forever ( a whole cup of coffee kinda forever to get him to hook the trailer up) EVEN though I suggested he just ‘throw’ it on and I’d do the rest.
He may not even like the way I have not put one masculine item in the room. But what he WILL love about it is that there is a clutter free space to pass out into unconsciousness after his night shifts each weekend.Well, this week end for sure I can't make any promises that the room will stay like that til next weekend.
You see, where the ‘sleeping quarters’ are is what used to be our back veranda. We Ahem, My Beloved knocked the sliding door out and with the help of my brothers, father and a one time ‘boyfriend’ of my sister’s they bricked it up and wallah! We had a sleep out. Eventually we made the sleep out into two rooms. What is our bedroom was originally going to be our office, then it was to be Littlest Misses room.
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I love this mirror I 'scrapbooked' it and hang anything and everything I love on it. |
It is as close to split level as we can get without going underground ( wouldn’t THAT be cool?) and that small little step down coupled with the fact we took the legs off the bed base to lower the bed makes the small space seem large and spacious, the ceiling to floor windows and the fact there are only three walls also help I will admit. But we will all just pretend that the lowering of the bed did it. OK?
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3 of my favourite pictures. |
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Peace lillies are one of the plants that are said to purify the air, though they are in here because they look puuuuuurty! |
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Not long after we bricked in the veranda... Miss Thinker was 3 and Miss Independent was 4. |
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Let's Talk About Sex.
Last night at around 11.30 we had a blackout. It came as a surprise (I mean there was a bit of rain but nothing to suggest we would lose power) and Biggest Miss and I were moving furniture, well a piece of furniture. It is not uncommon for me to move things around at any time of the day. This time was because it HAD to be moved.
I have had the thing for years and it has sat in our 'hallway' for months and just never seems right, besides it was just a dumping ground for items that didn't need to be there. It had a printer, a red tub of books, my stamp album ( I have been looking for that) and two baskets with my 'tools' in it. I use the word tools lightly. There was eight screw drivers, none of which have ever been the right size, a hammer, a Stanley knife and a shifter ( I have never used it but My Beloved ALWAYS uses his sifter so I figure they are useful). I did find all those paint brushes I bought three weeks ago though. There was also some tiles and wood glues and a whole packet of Panadol.
Normally I'd move it myself but as most of the kids were asleep I didn't want to make any noise. I asked Biggest Miss to help me she agreed as long as it could be done in the 'Adds' she was watching a movie. Eventually the Add came on and we moved it towards the back door (it is in the skip bin now). Just as we put it down the world became dark and I mean so dark that you could poke yourself in the eye and not see your finger!
'No body move.'I said calmly as I always do when there is a black out after dark. Luckily Littlest Miss and Mr Cheeky were asleep in their beds and Miss Thinker and Miss Independent were also snoring. If they hadn't then the routine would have been to get everyone to say their names and starting from youngest to oldest we would 'collect' them into the lounge room where either Biggest Miss or The Man Child (definitely NOT a fan of the dark until the last couple of years) would have felt their way to the candle and matches stash and have a few candles lit, sat in front of a mirror of course. The night would have then been spent reading one of my many Enid Blyton books I have had since I was a kid.
Instead everyone seemed to forget that they had phones (with built in flash lights) in their hands and let me trip up down the hall ( I had yet to actually put the stuff that was on the hall table away before I moved it) to get some candles and then all the way back to find some matches. Finally when the light of the candles flickered on the ceiling and walls in the lounge my eldest two 'darlings' started to play games on their phones.
'You know,' I said 'I could get a book out.'
'Mum, we are teenagers.' Biggest Miss said in disgust and The Man Child just grunted in a not very interested way at my suggestion. Little Miss who had actually managed to fall asleep began snoring and I was thinking that it was the perfect time to see how my biggest two babies were doing in general.
We spoke about all sorts of things and then we got on to the topic of sex. The Man Child immediately got agitated
'Oh for god sake mum! I am going to my room!'
'What?' I asked
'I do not want to have this conversation with you!'
'What? I just want you to know you can talk to me about these things that is all!'
'Yeah. Good. But I wont. EVER.'
'Ok. Just so long as you know.'
'Stop talking about it!' he said and went and sat at the dining table. Biggest Miss and I continued chatting for a bit then she pulled out her phone and played a game. I sat on the lounge not far from either of them remembering all the black outs we'd had in the past from summer storms and how we'd spent that time listening to stories. When the power finally came on an hour later they went to bed and I tidied the hall, but only because My Beloved would be home before the sun came up and I was pretty sure he didn't want to trip up over everything whilst trying to get to bed, other wise I'd have left it till the morning.
I have had the thing for years and it has sat in our 'hallway' for months and just never seems right, besides it was just a dumping ground for items that didn't need to be there. It had a printer, a red tub of books, my stamp album ( I have been looking for that) and two baskets with my 'tools' in it. I use the word tools lightly. There was eight screw drivers, none of which have ever been the right size, a hammer, a Stanley knife and a shifter ( I have never used it but My Beloved ALWAYS uses his sifter so I figure they are useful). I did find all those paint brushes I bought three weeks ago though. There was also some tiles and wood glues and a whole packet of Panadol.
Normally I'd move it myself but as most of the kids were asleep I didn't want to make any noise. I asked Biggest Miss to help me she agreed as long as it could be done in the 'Adds' she was watching a movie. Eventually the Add came on and we moved it towards the back door (it is in the skip bin now). Just as we put it down the world became dark and I mean so dark that you could poke yourself in the eye and not see your finger!
'No body move.'I said calmly as I always do when there is a black out after dark. Luckily Littlest Miss and Mr Cheeky were asleep in their beds and Miss Thinker and Miss Independent were also snoring. If they hadn't then the routine would have been to get everyone to say their names and starting from youngest to oldest we would 'collect' them into the lounge room where either Biggest Miss or The Man Child (definitely NOT a fan of the dark until the last couple of years) would have felt their way to the candle and matches stash and have a few candles lit, sat in front of a mirror of course. The night would have then been spent reading one of my many Enid Blyton books I have had since I was a kid.
Instead everyone seemed to forget that they had phones (with built in flash lights) in their hands and let me trip up down the hall ( I had yet to actually put the stuff that was on the hall table away before I moved it) to get some candles and then all the way back to find some matches. Finally when the light of the candles flickered on the ceiling and walls in the lounge my eldest two 'darlings' started to play games on their phones.
'You know,' I said 'I could get a book out.'
'Mum, we are teenagers.' Biggest Miss said in disgust and The Man Child just grunted in a not very interested way at my suggestion. Little Miss who had actually managed to fall asleep began snoring and I was thinking that it was the perfect time to see how my biggest two babies were doing in general.
We spoke about all sorts of things and then we got on to the topic of sex. The Man Child immediately got agitated
'Oh for god sake mum! I am going to my room!'
'What?' I asked
'I do not want to have this conversation with you!'
'What? I just want you to know you can talk to me about these things that is all!'
'Yeah. Good. But I wont. EVER.'
'Ok. Just so long as you know.'
'Stop talking about it!' he said and went and sat at the dining table. Biggest Miss and I continued chatting for a bit then she pulled out her phone and played a game. I sat on the lounge not far from either of them remembering all the black outs we'd had in the past from summer storms and how we'd spent that time listening to stories. When the power finally came on an hour later they went to bed and I tidied the hall, but only because My Beloved would be home before the sun came up and I was pretty sure he didn't want to trip up over everything whilst trying to get to bed, other wise I'd have left it till the morning.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
We Won The Lotto... Kinda
We were rather excited around our house this morning, well I was. We managed to send the kids off on time to catch the bus. I also discovered that I still had a chance at winning the lotto! Here in Q.L.D some lucky bastard has won 29.7 or is it 27.9 million dollars! I don't really care too much which amount it is who ever has won that is RICH! Rich I tells ya! And I was kinda hoping it was me.
Naturally many other people in Queensland bought a ticket so the chances were slim, but not as slim as they were before the rest of the country was ruled out. I know four people in Queensland didn't win. Two messaged me after the draw last night to inform me and to find out if I too had lucked out.
'Hey,' My sister in law messaged. 'Did you win?'
'Probably not.'
'Me neither.'
'Ad isn't home til late and he has the ticket. So I coulda!'
'Wouldn't it be great?'
'It would be awesome!!'
Then I forgot about it til this morning when I came back in from the bus stop.
'Someone in Queensland has won.' My Beloved told me. 'They don't know who or where.'
'It is probably us.' I said 'I know I have won it.'
You see every year for about 10 years I pick the winner of the Melbourne Cup, except 3 years ago.. I think the problem was I actually put a bet down on it. If I had have done what I do normally and tell My Beloved the name of the horse that happens 'to take my fancy' the morning of the cup and ask him to put five dollars on it (he never does and it always wins) I would have picked Green Moon, the name alone would have sold me.
I know absolutely NOTHING about horses, horse racing or betting so it is a fluke every time. This year I was focused on winning the 100 million dollar OZ lotto and I did not even check the horses names and colours in the lift out the paper provides. I just went about folding clothes. I didn't even watch the race, even though I had 'glammed' up for the occasion...
I ended up rearranging our bedroom and I found these. |
'Hey babe!'
'Hello darl, listen I have a wheelchair ring back in five OK.'
' Just get a lotto ticket. I am going to win this thing. OK bye!'
It was much later I received messages questioning if I'd won. I started to wonder and then imagine. It was not until just before lunch today My Beloved checked the ticket.
'We won....' he mumbled (something else that I didn't hear) to me from the lounge room whilst I stood in the bedroom on the other side of the house.
'We what?' I said as I walked into the hall.
'We got four numbers, it isn't anything but...'
'Oh my god!! I knew it! I said it. Didn't I ? Huh? Huh?'
'It isn't anything big, we were one number away on every number...'
'Oh who cares we won the bloody lotto baby!' I laughed
Yes, perhaps it was only $21.10 but we won the lotto. That was what I said I would be doing yesterday, all of last week. Congrats to those who won a share in the $100 million!!
Monday, 5 November 2012
Clothing Capers
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'Hey, did I get you at bad time?' my friend Missy said to me after I finally found my phone that had been ringing all morning.
'Not unless you consider folding a large pile of clothes a bad time.' I answered
'How big, we talking?' she asked
'Not that big, not by large family standards.' I joked
'Is it spilling out over its self?'
'Then man up and do it!' she laughed. 'You should see mine, I can't see my couch any more. Thats my job today too.'
Missy has seven kids too and we have been friends since high school. When one of us has had enough we call the other and bemoan what ever it is that is driving us insane. Today she was calling me to bemoan 10 kg of baby potatoes she did not need or want and suggested I come get them. I told her I couldn't, not today.
I had planned on buying us a new bed, a king size, today but with two school kids home I decided there was no way I was taking four children bed shopping. I told her that I'd be in tomorrow and would be more than pleased to grab some potatoes then. So she demanded I made sure I got them first thing and after a little 'my child is doing this' conversation we hung up and I had managed to fold half the pile. Then I folded the rest. I did not put it away however... I should have. Instead I went through a couple of bags of clothes my mother had given me for My Beloved.
You see, dad and My Beloved have always been the same size. But Dad has been 'eating properly' and has lost 50kg ( well done dad!) which means My Beloved gets them. The denim cut off shorts aside (Yes!! Apparently when dad was young, at some point in fashion history, men could wear denim cut offs with out their preferences being questioned. I am not sure when this was, but I am assured it was.) there were some nice things.
My Beloved shares a very similar taste in clothing EVEN the bright Hawaiian shirts. *shudders and rocks back and forth* that my father seems to so fond of. I would have hidden them, but I know My Beloved likes them so I was kind and left them out. He ended up with 5 suit jackets, 7 dress shirts, 9 pairs of jeans about twenty other smart casual shirts and some work shirts and shorts that will save me from buying My Beloved any more board shorts. He has wrecked so many pairs while working with cement both when we did the concrete edging and at home that he is wearing football shorts, whether he wants too or not damn it!The work shirts have the sleeves cut and the neck cut and are so funny to imagine My Beloved wearing that there was no way they were not staying, besides, he wrecks his T-shirts with cement.
As I was hanging these things up I looked at the medium size (for a large family) pile of folded clothes and thought 'I really should put that away.' But life goes on and kids need things and I put it off. After walking in to find a shirt for myself to wear after spilling tea on my singlet ( Thanks Mr Cheeky!) my elbow knocked the pile and half of it fell over. I watched it fall and just walked away. 'I'll do that when the kids are in bed I told myself. I haven't. I'll do it in the morning and this time I WILL put it away as soon as I am done.... because there is a new load on the line waiting to be brought in and folded tomorrow. Wish me luck.
You see, dad and My Beloved have always been the same size. But Dad has been 'eating properly' and has lost 50kg ( well done dad!) which means My Beloved gets them. The denim cut off shorts aside (Yes!! Apparently when dad was young, at some point in fashion history, men could wear denim cut offs with out their preferences being questioned. I am not sure when this was, but I am assured it was.) there were some nice things.
My Beloved shares a very similar taste in clothing EVEN the bright Hawaiian shirts. *shudders and rocks back and forth* that my father seems to so fond of. I would have hidden them, but I know My Beloved likes them so I was kind and left them out. He ended up with 5 suit jackets, 7 dress shirts, 9 pairs of jeans about twenty other smart casual shirts and some work shirts and shorts that will save me from buying My Beloved any more board shorts. He has wrecked so many pairs while working with cement both when we did the concrete edging and at home that he is wearing football shorts, whether he wants too or not damn it!The work shirts have the sleeves cut and the neck cut and are so funny to imagine My Beloved wearing that there was no way they were not staying, besides, he wrecks his T-shirts with cement.
As I was hanging these things up I looked at the medium size (for a large family) pile of folded clothes and thought 'I really should put that away.' But life goes on and kids need things and I put it off. After walking in to find a shirt for myself to wear after spilling tea on my singlet ( Thanks Mr Cheeky!) my elbow knocked the pile and half of it fell over. I watched it fall and just walked away. 'I'll do that when the kids are in bed I told myself. I haven't. I'll do it in the morning and this time I WILL put it away as soon as I am done.... because there is a new load on the line waiting to be brought in and folded tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Crazy Is As Crazy Does
Yesterday we gave someone, I will call them Tracey and Bruce ( because that is their names), a hand. It was not a life saving kind of hand just a little something we could do to help. Then we picked up our 'outdoor table' and we returned home and went about our day. We decided to have an outdoor movie night. We dragged the big extra TV onto the veranda.We actually have 6 TVs in the house not including the one on the wall in the lounge room only 2 are hooked up, they used to all be working in each bedroom. But I don't like a TV in every room it does not exactly encourage togetherness. My Beloved had even suggested that one for the bathroom was a good idea, until he saw my face, then acted as though he was joking... he wasn't.
He told me last week he was thinking about bringing the large TV on to the veranda for summer movie nights. I'd told him he was not! The idea was suggested again yesterday and I said OK lets do it. After all it was his last night home after a week off work and first Friday night off in, he claims a year, but I say year maybe even 2 not including the Christmas break of course. So he set it up and then decided to take Misses Thinker, Independent, Little Miss and Mr Cheeky with him to have a swim at their nan's and then get a movie and pick the take out they wanted for tea. The Man Child and Biggest Miss have gone for the whole weekend and I commented to My Beloved about how it feels like we only have 5 children. 'I know!' he said. 'We're nearly there!' and laughed.
They finally arrived home at 7.30 and I was just starting to get to the 'Call the hospital and police for accidents' stage of worrying when they pulled up and we settled in to watch Mirror Mirror in the front yard.
We were watching the movie when we saw lights from a car come up the driveway and I stared into the darkness, where I could make out two figures. I stared until I realised who was there and was pleasantly surprised (and I am not just saying that because they might read this ;p ).It was Tracey and Bruce. They had come to give us a thank you gift of chocolates and a bottle of rum. It was such a wonderfully kind thing to do and My Beloved looked at me confused. ('I only rolled a bit of wood off my trailer.' he said to me later We had helped Tracey drop something back to her place that morning with our trailer and My Beloved did not seem to understand why he needed a thank you of such a wonderful thing as rum. He also was so shocked at such 'thoughtful people'.) After establishing that they could not stay due to sleeping children in their car I seemed to take that as an invitation to drag poor Tracey through my house out to the back to show her the back yard.
Movie is on and everyone is ready for a double movie 'marathon'. |
'I hope they don't think we are crazy.'
'Err why would they think that?' I asked 'Well,I can see why people would think that about me in general but why this particular time?'
'Because we are watching a movie in the yard on a windy night.' he said.
'Well, when you put it like that it does sound a little crazy, but don't worry they have 7 kids as well, they'll get it.'
'Yes, but it might seem REALLY crazy!'
'Ok. So having a pizza and movie night in the yard at your own home for free is insanity, but driving out of your way and paying to sit either in your car or on the grass and buying food to watch a movie at a drive in is not? Now lets put The Lorax on. It is getting late.'
I wonder how he will react when people come to visit us one day after I have painted a section of our back yard wall white and buy a projector to play movies on hot summer nights?
It was a fun night. My only regret is that Mr Cheeky slept through it ( on the day bed all rugged up and warm) and I did not make popcorn... or choc tops. But thanks to our visitors we had chocolates (after I took the good ones out of course!! ;)
Friday, 2 November 2012
The Back-yard-again…
Because I opened my big mouth on the My7LittleAustralians facebook page and said I’d post about the HUGE cable spool I bought for my outdoor area yesterday, I thought I had better do it! Obviously the ‘internet police’, from the ‘you said you would post’ division won’t be rocking up to take me away if I don’t, but I figure with a few new readers to the blog, I may as well! (Hello if you are a new reader by the way, as dismissive as I may have just sounded then I am really glad that anyone would want to read the ‘ramblings of my mind’ as My Beloved calls this blog. He is surprised even family wants to read it!)
As you may be aware My Beloved and I have been owner building our home for a while now… about 12 years in fact. We do things and then do more things, then we knock those things down or modify them and then find our selves doing even more things. Don’t feel sorry for us though, we usually enjoy it. There was however, a three year period when we did not. We hated it even and did not do too much beside the lawn mowing and even then it was left a little too long between cuts.
But we are back into the swing and this week the back yard has been the focus of our efforts. My Beloved has been sweating from sun up to sun down, on this… his week off from work. The idea of shiny, smooth, plastic or glass is not my idea of nice. I say the 'look' I am attempting to achieve is 'Funky Junky' mixed with 'Adobe' but it could also be called 'raw'. Yesterday was the day we picked up the huge cable wheel I found at the tip. So the first element of the 'junky' had arrived. I am rather tired so instead of actually writing how it all went down. I’ll show you. I forgot to take pictures at the 'putting it on the trailer' stage. Everybody now… ‘You’re terrible Muriel!’.
Tie it down tight boys! We don't need that rolling off the trailer. |
Come on Guys!! ( No children consume Ice Coffee in this family but, they do play with the icy cold bottles on a hot morning.) |
I'm driving!! |
PUSH!!! |
Is this where you want it? (umm it actually isn't...) |
Watch your toes. |
A small section done, no colour yet but it will have! |
One umbrella option. |
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