Because I opened my big mouth on the
My7LittleAustralians facebook page and said I’d post about the HUGE cable spool I bought for my outdoor area yesterday, I thought I had better do it! Obviously the
‘internet police’, from the
‘you said you would post’ division won’t be rocking up to take me away if I don’t, but I figure with a few new readers to the blog, I may as well! (Hello if you are a new reader by the way, as dismissive as I may have just sounded then I am really glad that anyone would want to read the ‘ramblings of my mind’ as My Beloved calls this blog. He is surprised even family wants to read it!)
As you may be aware My Beloved and I have been owner building our home for a while now… about 12 years in fact. We do things and then do more things, then we knock those things down or modify them and then find our selves doing even more things. Don’t feel sorry for us though, we usually enjoy it. There was however, a three year period when we did not. We hated it even and did not do too much beside the lawn mowing and even then it was left a little too long between cuts.
But we are back into the swing and this week the back yard has been the focus of our efforts. My Beloved has been sweating from sun up to sun down, on this… his week off from work. The idea of shiny, smooth, plastic or glass is not my idea of nice. I say the 'look' I am attempting to achieve is 'Funky Junky' mixed with 'Adobe' but it could also be called 'raw'. Yesterday was the day we picked up the huge cable wheel I found at the tip. So the first element of the 'junky' had arrived. I am rather tired so instead of actually writing how it all went down. I’ll show you. I forgot to take pictures at the 'putting it on the trailer' stage. Everybody now… ‘You’re terrible Muriel!’.
Tie it down tight boys! We don't need that rolling off the trailer. |
Come on Guys!!
( No children consume Ice Coffee in this family but,
they do play with the icy cold bottles on a hot morning.) |
I'm driving!! |
PUSH!!! |
Is this where you want it?
(umm it actually isn't...) |
Watch your toes. |
A small section done, no colour yet but it will have! |
One umbrella option. |
So not an great picture selection but it should give you a small idea of what is going on. When you consider that as of Tuesday there was only a small area with pavers, the whole area is 13m x6m give or take ameter or so and the rest was dirt it is actually quite a transformation, but we still have a long way to go! I 'll post more about the pavers and the bases of the outdoor kitchen ( though others may prefer the term BBQ area) another time.I have to start thinking of colour... I just do not know what colour yet... hmmmmmmmm.
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