Thursday 30 August 2012

Spring Has Most Definitely Sprung!

Not being one to let something stop me when I make up my mind to do it. I have been relentless in my culling. The winter clothes are down to a third. The girls summer clothes are down a third also. I even eliminated a whole box of craft stuff and the kids school paintings and things ( I nearly broke down and cried as I threw the Man Child's hand prints from prep away. Not to mention everyone else's). I took a massive bag of clothes to my mums place and 8 large garbage bags to a friends place.

 'You can not say no to them!' I told her a little desperately as she opened her door to find me standing there holding a black garbage bag. 'If you do not take them I will take them home and put them in the cupboards again!'

She laughed and then, because she understands said. 'If you even think about taking them home I will fight you for them.' Ahhhhh a good friend is hard to find so keep them when you do find them. 

I found this picture here and enjoyed the post as well. 
After a cuppa and a chat I had to leave and get back to the cull. I was home five minuets and had already filled a garbage bag with the last of the winter clothes. I am getting the hang of it now and when ever a bit of doubt creeps over me I just remind myself that Yes, I will need one or two of the items that I have given away but I also know it will not be long (usually a day or two after I have completed the big yearly cull) and a friend or two will arrive on my doorstep with bags and bags of 'stuff' begging me to take it. And I will. Because I am a good friend! ;)


3 days after I wrote this I got some more clothes for my Wardrobe as well as a phone call from a friend who has a 'couple' of bags for me to pick up next week. 

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