Housework is something you do that nobody notices until you don't do it.
So what happens when you don't. For what ever reason be it sickness, new baby, pure exhaustion or just totally couldn't be bothered. I'll tell you shall I? A massive depressing mess occurs. Where quite frankly it doesn't matter if you have just finished doing the 'deep clean' or the 'sweep it under the rug' kind. If you are not there keeping on top of it and the family is home you got a mess on your hands.
Now I know some women with many who are so perfect at keeping house there are times I don't know if I admire them or wish they had a 'bad day' just to prove they are human. Those women are my heroes! Yes I have even heard of some kids that are little neat freaks (their mums are the ones above) and i want some!
But most are just typical kids doing 'kid things' like making a sandwich and leaving the half empty can of tuna,the butter (sometimes if your lucky with the lid on), the several knives used in the butter, the can opener in a pool of oil from attempting to open the tuna, salt and pepper on the bench. Or after changing into their millionth outfit change that day clothes all over the bedroom floor (or through the entire house depending on the child).
Then there are the bedrooms... Oh where do you start? I start but fighting the urge to turn my head to the sky whilst bellowing 'Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy?'
That doesn't help you get it done... unfortunantly. If you don't keep on top of it things get out of control quickly. Even husbands(and My Beloved is a very good help around the house) can leave a mess about. But then so can I.

On a positive note, the GREAT thing about a large family is when you have not kept on top of it all a simple 'All hands on deck' gets the job done in no time. We really are lucky!
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