Tuesday 27 March 2012

Today is day one of the hell that is My Beloved quiting smoking. Now I could go on about how glad I am, but it would be a lie I'm afraid. For purely selfish reasons I must admit.

You see, I smoke too. I have cut back already today as I wont smoke in front of him or around him just to make it easier for him. But the problem is he is ALWAYS around me! Normally not something I would complain about (which should be obvious by the amount of kids we have) but today everything he did annoyed me. Everything he said irritated me. Every time I looked at him fighting off an urge to smoke I wanted to throw the packet at him and say 'Just have one!!!!'.

But that wouldn't be right, supportive or kind. So instead I went out of the house to hang out washing or 'tidy' something when he was inside and inside when he went outside. Not exactly very loving towards My Beloved I know but hell he was ANNOYING! Snapping at every remark I made, snapping at me for snapping at him.

Of course it could also be because I know we both should quit anyway. I am being 'forced' into it by circumstances, which when you think about it is a GOOD thing but it is going to take me a day or two to 'get with the program' then I will be fine. I just gotta do 'it'.  My Beloved and I don't drink (Well, he does. Socially. Which is 2 a fortnight lately.) I do when I am not pregnant, breastfeeding or looking after kids which means the last time I had a  drink was nearly five years ago. So smoking is our only 'vice'.( Oh well, I guess we better find new ones...I pick shopping!)

Since his ulcer that is it! No smokes, No alcohol/fizzy drinks, No 'yummy food' as Miss Thinker calls it. He has to do it and I have to help him and really, myself as well. So this will be a bit of an unhappy household for the next few days whilst we kick the habit.

Wish us luck!


  1. We gave up cigs together when Tracey was pregnant with Grace. I was up to over a pack a day. Very glad we did, but I put on so much weight I went up a cup size ;) Good luck! You can do it!

  2. Thankyou... though I failed miserably today.


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