Thursday 15 March 2012

Who The Hell Are We?

 Introducing My7LittleAustralians.

 The Man Child is 16. 17 in July, something I am finding rather unbelievable actually. He is a 'good' child. Never too much trouble and very sensible with a fantastic sense of humour.

Big Miss is 14 but in 2 days time will turn 15. Something i also find unbelievable ( I think she is still little until I get the 'Girl' attitude). She is a huge help to me, very thoughtful and so far has given her father no cause for concern on the boyfriend front (read- doesn't have one).

Little Miss is 10 and she desperately wants to be like her big sister. So much so that she has copied all her sisters 'best' qualities like attitude and penchant for hogging the mirror. She writes songs (like her sister) and has a very good sense of humour.

Miss Independent is 8. She is wickedly funny and fiercely her own person. She has no qualms about defending herself and she is the one who always seems to be in trouble, unjustly, if you ask her.

 Miss Thinker is 6 she is always coming out with statements varying from totally ridiculous to spot on depending on her mood. She has a real 'tricked ya' sense of humour that so far is never silly or nasty. She also   has a very sweet nature.

Mr Cheeky is 3 and I can believe it! He was born with attitude and still to this day (possibly due to his mother pandering to his every whim- we are not quite sure ;p)  believes himself to be boss. Not in a tantrum throwing way- yet at least- but at a core level. So it is highly possible he may become a dictator later on in life.

Littlest Miss is 5 and a bit months. She is a lovely and very easy baby which is appreciated. She does not cry often but when she does you have to get to her quick  smart or she will get very worked up.

 Then of course there is My Beloved. He is 39 and I tease him that he is old and it is time for a trade in. I never would of course even when I'd really really like too. He is the funniest person i know and he can make me laugh,something which is a necessity around this place at times.

We have been together 19 years this September and Married for 9 years next month. We have had many ups and a few downs like any relationship does but on the whole even though we are complete opposite and i do mean complete, I don't think that we like any of the same things except for our children and each other. But we have the same values and a great respect for each other and so it works perfectly (most of the time).

Then there is me. I am 34 in May and until just then have not even thought about the implications of that. I feel and look a great deal of the time older than that. I like what i like and hate what i hate. For me change usually sucks until i can get it sorted in my own head then its great! I am the 'mean one' in the parenting department but I don't care as I am the kids mum not their friend. The kids all feel they can talk to me so i feel the balance is good. I am also prone to saying  "Right! That's it, things are going to change around here."
Though they usually don't and I am usually OK with that!

Till next time.

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