Monday 30 April 2012

Oh What a Beautiful Mor-ning!


Early mornings have never been my 'thing'. An early morning, to me at least, consists of getting up before the sun. (it's just not natural!!)

When I was much younger my mother would be up before the sun making bread or other food related activities.( She is an awesome woman ) A friends mother used to tell me that she loved getting up early. She got time to herself and the added bonus of her kids all being asleep. I used to think the same of late nights. But lately instead of waking either just before the kids or with them I have started to get up at least an hour before them and there are some benefits.

#1 Waking up without someone asking you a million questions or telling you about the dream they had. Granted these things still happen but my brain is functioning above the basic level by that time  and I can actually tune off, without any ones feeling being hurt. If I have just woken up, a sudden comment of 'Oh for goodness sake! I just woke up!!' is usually barked and the child/adult is rather offended by my tone.

#2 You can actually do things in the mornings with out the morning rush. I didn't know that was possible... like write this between the morning coffee and the kids wake up alarm, well most of it.

#3 Witness the sun in all it's glory rise over the horizon! Now thats a reason right there. Except for this morning... it is cloudy (and windy AND cold.)

#4 On the mornings My Beloved is home (and hasn't been driving night shift)
we can have actual grown up conversations. About, well ANYTHING AT ALL! No spelling things out or G-rating the conversation. No looks above heads or subtly giving each other hand signals. And no sitting cuddled up on the outdoor couch with a child of varying size squeezing their way in between. Who would have thought such a thing was possible!

Oh yes this 'Early Morning' business is OK by me. I think I will keep it up.

Oh dear they're awake... gotta go!

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